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School Rules



At Vassiliadis Elementary School,  we  want every man, woman, and child that enters into the Home of the Cubs to have the energy, positivity, and enthusiasm that will promote a climate of growth and achievement.  One where everyone is excited about school and driven to be kind and always do their best.  Following these simple rules will not only allow our Vassiliadis Cubs to have choice in life and move mountains, but put a great big smile on their faces...and we all know that smiling is contagious!

At Billy & Rosemary Vassiliadis Elementary School, we believe in designing opportunities for children that will give them the necessary tools to blaze the path of college and career readiness.  We believe in shared leadership and consistent use of out of the box methods to deliver our students the once in a lifetime education that will prepare them for 21st century jobs.  Funding tends to be the only obstacle in providing the additional personnel and materials that are needed to provide our children with the first rate education that they deserve; which is why our fundraising efforts, which include grant writing, maximizing our CCSD budgeted funds, seeking donations, and establishing business partnerships are consistent.



Our Philosophy

Our Specials

Our Needs

  • Additional personnel to provide small group instruction to students, which will enable lower student to teacher ratios and higher levels of acceleration within instruction.

  • Research based computer software and next generation science standards materials for our explorations and STEAM specials.

  • Additional  computers and Chromebooks for student use.


  • Start of construction: June 2016

  • Estimated completion: July 2017

  • Designed to accommodate 850 students

  • 101,620 square feet

  • Project budget: $26,963,000

   53 classrooms including:

  • 2 Flex classrooms

  • 1 STEM classroom

  • 1 Library

  • 1 Art classroom

  • Based on the design from Wallin Elementary School

Click on the picture below for full renderings and information

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